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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 23, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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today is sunday june 23rd. there's breaking news. edward snowden is on the run this hour. the nsa leaker is currently on a flight from hong kong to moscow but that is not his final destination we've learned. where will he go? we have the breaking details for you moments away. then an ar show stunt goes horribly wrong. a wing walker gets killed when too close to the ground. >> white house faces scandal after scandal, what is the president going to focus on this week? climate change. we'll take a closer look at
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that. fox and friends starts right now. sunday morning on the east coast, we begin with fox news alert, breaking news overnight. nsa leaker edward snowden on the move. the post reported he left hong kong, now on his way to moscow. his final destination a mystery. there's speculation. >> peter on the story live in washington, d.c. good morning, peter, what do you know at this hour? >> reporter: clayton, we know we called the airline edward snowden is using to leave hong kong. they told us a passenger named edward snowden is currently on board flight su 213 from hong kong to moscow and that tomorrow, the 24th at 2:05 p.m. moscow time that same passenger is ticketed to travel from
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russia to cuba. cuba is a country the united states does not have any formal diplomatic relation with and a country that's been under an economic embargo from the united states for more than half a century in addition to being on the united states list of state sponsors of terrorism. a few days ago edward snowden said he might be interested in heading to iceland to seek asylum, a q&a session on "the guardian" newspaper, his interview interview there. he said the only reason he went to hong kong in the first place to avoid suspicion since nsa employees are monitored closely. he said the local framework allowed him to work there without being immediately detained which we saw to be true. the hong kong government in the last few hours had come forward to say they let edward snowden leave hong kong on a
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technicality, u.s. did not provide documents. they let him go. he's in the air on his way to russia. we don't have any further reaction at this point from agencies in the united states but we will keep following up. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy breaking that news. cuba. we'll be tracking that flight and see where it leaves. >> we want to bring in the author of "nuclear showdown." you're going to help us walk through all this. stunning news this morning. what do you make of the fact he's left hong kong? >> i don't think he's going to cuba. that doesn't strike me as being credible. for him to get to moscow to cuba, he has to go over countries that have extradition with the u.s. that means we can get the plane down, meet him in the runway and take him into custody. i think he's going to iceland.
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there, there's some indication julian assange, the founder of wikileaks has arranged asylum. tit for tat, he's going to give his documents to wikileaks of. >> he apparently has a ticket to savannah. do you think that's a head fake, an attempt to throw authorities off the trail? >> i would thinks so. it's possible he's going to cuba. that entails a lot of risks. >> that's outrageous if you're making a statement against authoritarian government goes to cuba that undermines your case. >> he was never a whistleblower. yes, he did start a national conversation about surveillance and privacy but he handed over detailed technical information probably to chinese intelligence. we know he gave those documents to the south china post, ip addresses. this has nothing to do with
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whistleblower. probably it ended up in the hands of beijing. in his disbaurdian chat he said he had no contact with officials in hong kong. that's untrue. he probably did. in addition i've heard he got the idea of going to the south chinese morning post from the chinese officials. they knew they would give documents to beijing if beijing asked. >> one issue is technicality, the administration saying if hong kong doesn't act, the chip he's government doesn't act it will complicate relations. they said china didn't act, they let him out of the country. did we screw up. >> no, hong kong has a long tradition of giving up suspects to the united states, very, very close cooperation on the law enforcement front. what happened here is there was a political decision in beijing to let him go. i think chinese intelligence already got what they wanted from snowden, if not all of it,
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then at least most of it. they figured there was very little advantage in keeping him. >> we have the statement here from the hong kong government. it says, "since the governments provided by the u.s. government did not fully comply with the legal requirements under hong kong law, the government has released ed snowden." that sounds like bologna. >> that is. this is not a vibrant democracy there. beijing excerpts enormous influence. all important decisions are made in beijing in consultation with chinese officials. clearly banling wanted this guy out of hong kong to sort of stick it to us. >> you would never know from his remarks. i have faith in the courts and people of hong kong to decide my fate. how naive is this guy? >> unbelievable. when he first arrived he gave an
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interview to the "guardian." >> he said he was going because it had the will andable to resist the u.s. hong kong has an extradition agreement with us. also a long history of helping us with law enforcement. so the only reason why snowden would think that is because beijing would prevent hong kong from giving him to us. clearly snowden from the get go knew beijing was going to be the one that would help him. >> if he heads to russia and this is true, and, quote, we know this is true. i'm tracking that flight su 213 according to our own peter doocy and arrives at 1700 hours at the airport in moscow, do we have any jurisdiction there? are we able to work with russian authorities? >> we don't have extradition agreement with russia but it doesn't matter. we've traded suspects with them in the past. we've got somebody russia wants, victor bout, arms smuggler. we didn't give him to the russians. there's all sorts of possibility for trade here. there are a lot of other things
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we have that the russians want. there doesn't have to necessarily be a formal extradition agreement for some sort of deal between moscow and beijing. it's possible it will happen. on the other hand, one thing that would happen they take his infamous thumb drive and four laptops. >> that would be the worst. we fear china has all that information and then for russia to have it as well. >> in all probability, it is going from bad to worse. and russia, if he goes to eyeslaneyes iceland, it could end up on wikileaks. >> he could go to ecuador. >> yes but the same as cuba, flying over country with a close relationship with the u.s. we can get that plane on the ground. i don't think he's going to ecuador either. if he's doing that, he's dumber than i think he is. >> what should the u.s. have
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done, presuming our main goal is to get this guy in american custody? is there any way the obama administration could have done it differently? >> it would really be hard. i think what they were doing is they didn't first a ask for snowden. the reason is if he's in custody, it means they not only get custody of him, they get custody of information on the laptops. if the hong kong lis get that, it's clearly going to china. what the obama administration is trying to do, maybe if snowden keeps quiet, this will not happen. i think that was a false hope. snowden really is intending to hurt the united states. he is malicious. he's not a whistleblower. he's trying to do all these things to undermine us. >> gordon joining us with your expertise. he'll be sticking around. we need your help, international treaties, relationships around the world. we'll continue to track this stuff. >> thank you. >> a horrible scene at an ohio
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air show. a pilot and wing walker killed when their plane plummeted to the ground. the accident was caught on camera. we warn you, this is graphic. >> watch this. sitting on top of the world. >> wing walker and her pilot were mid performance and the plane suddenly took a nosedive into the ground and burst into flames. witnesses say the plane was flying very low just before crashing. >> it's kind of surreal. you can't believe something like that actually happened in front of you. you just kind of -- you're kind of in a state of shock of you really don't know what to think. i just started praying. >> the air show was canceled yesterday but organizers say the performers want the show to continue today. all right. there are new developments this morning in the murder mystery surrounding nfl star aaron
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hernandez. police units spent four hours combing through his home in a semple for evidence. investigators walked away with a bag of items, we're told. police are trying to find out what connection, if any, hernandez had with the shooting death of his friend. hernandez allegedly destroyed his home security system and a cell phone after it happened. an arrest warrant for obstruction of justice has been issued but not executed yet. opening statements again tomorrow in the george zimmerman trial. the judge ruled yesterday two audio experts cannot testify about who is heard screaming in that 911 call to police. >> need help? >> yes. >> what is your -- >> both experts say it was trayvon martin calling for help in the background. the judge said their scientific techniques were too unreleebl. she ruled the call could be played in court. zimmerman charged with second degree murder. a jury of six women will decide the fate. the funeral of james
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gandolfini set for thursday in his home state of new jersey. the 51-year-old sopranos star died. the film festival turned into a tribute to his work. >> he had romance in his heart and in his eyes and that's what made tony soprano a timeless universal character people could relate to, the big man. >> new jersey governor chris christie ordered all state flags to be lowered to half-staff monday in honor of gandolfini. thanks so much. more on that fox news alert. what is the united states next legal move to capture edward snowden now that he's on the move. a constitutional expert joins us next. >> a pilot loses his navigation mid flight and lands his plane with an ipad. he joins us live to tell us how he did it. your day to unplug.
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♪ [ le announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. i don't know.ncer ] how did you get here?rning. [ speaking in russian ] look, look, look... you probably want to get away as much as we do. with priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding. think of the rubles you'll save. with one touch, fun in the sun. i like fun. well, that went exactly i as planned.. really? edward snowden on board a flight from hong kong to russia right now. from there it's unclear where he'll go. there are unconfirmed reports he'll go from moscow to cuba,
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venezuela, some say iceland. what does the united states need to do to capture snowden? what legal steps does it need to do to take? a professor, thanks for joining us. what exactly can the united states do to bring snowden back? >> i guess it all depends where he ultimately lands. they are obviously seeking extradition. they had filed extradition papers with hong kong but those papers weren't apparently in order according to the hong kong authorities so they let him leave the country. then where he lands could make a difference. the first question you ask in any extradition scenario is whether or not the united states has an extradition treaty with that particular country. when he lands in russia, example, the united states does not have an extradition treaty with russia. he may decide to stay there for a while. >> what about airspace. lets say he decides to fly to cuba, bring over a number of
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countries which we have treaties. could the government force a landing and get him at the airport? >> in theory he could. i seriously doubt the united states would use that show of force. it would be an aggressive maneuver. the united states rarely takes that sort of action. i'm not anticipating that's going to come into play here. >> what do you make of his departure from hong kong? does it surprise you chinese authorities allowed him to leave? >> surprise would be too strong of a word there. i think given the tensions between the chinese and united states in recent years and especially given snowden's comments that the united states was spying on the chinese, i think it was to be expected that they weren't exactly going to be trustworthy on holding him until such time as the legal process could play itself out. i think he's been a flight risk all along and i think the united states has known that. >> we're hearing it may be bound for iceland. nobody can confirm whether or
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not that's accurate. a number of reports indicate that may be the case. if he does wind up in that country, iceland, can he be extra indictdite extradited? >> iceland is a country we have extradition with, also ecuador, harberg assange. if he ends up in iceland or ecuador, i think it's the same scene ar yochlt in either place he's likely to claim what's called a political exception to these extradition treaties, which means he's claiming he's accused of a political offense in the united states, which espionage certainly is. if those countries' courts believe that is a political offense, then they won't extradite him. >> then he could be offered citizenship by those countries and stay there?
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>> i don't know about citizenship but certainly he'd be eligible for those countries asylum. >> are there people living in either one of those countries aside from assange? >> i don't think off the top of my head. i wouldn't be surprised if there are refugees in ecuador. i'm not sure about iceland. i think united states has better diplomatic relations with iceland than it does with ecuador. there's a possibility after months of effort could convince icelandic cords to extradite him. again, if they think this is a political offense in the united states, which it probably is, they probably would not extradite him even from iceland. >> elizabeth foley joining us this morning. thanks very much for that insight. appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> adding insult to injury, people who can't live in their homes after hurricane sandy still being charged for things like water, which they are not getting, by the way. how is that fair?
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it could have been a disaster. a pilot's quick thinking to grab his ipad after a quick emergency could end up saving his life. joining us with his app-maz. ng story. ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back. when the navigation system went down and the plane lost power, a colorado pilot forced to rely on his ipad in air. >> using the app for flight and the help of a tsa agent on the phone he was able to safely land in grand junction, colorado. good morning, raymond. >> good morning. >> that's scary. tuesday you flying across colorado in a single engine plane and suddenly the panel
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stopped working. what went through your head? >> i had a little anxiety. i actually departed telluride. telluride is the highest commercial airport in north america. as soon as i rotated, i went to bring my landing gear up. as my landing gear was coming up, it stopped in mid action and my panel went dead. i lost all my electrical and electronics flying into grand junction. >> so your landing gear was half up. what was more nerve-racking, the fact your instrument panel went down or the fact that your landing gear was half up? >> airplanes have a back-up system. i have a manual crane behind the seat. i was able to crank the landing gear down. when i got to grand junction i used the for flight application which is an application on the ipad that gives me all my navigational services back. it basically will tell me where i'm at with the gps overlay on a
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sectional chart. there are little additions -- this it is piece here plugs into an ipad. it's about the size of a chip you put into a camera for a memory card and it super imposes over the sectional chart where exactly you are. when i was 20 miles out, i contacted grand junction on my iphone. my iphone also had that back-up, so i had -- i lost my panel. aid back-up and i had a back-up for my back-up. >> this is all your own sort of personal technology. what did pilots do before they had ipads and iphones when this happened? >> i'm going to tell you that flying has changed immensely and embrace the technology, young pilots, because it's simple and it's cheap. back in the day -- i actually got my pilot's license over 30 years ago but i hadn't been current for 27 years. i started flying again a year ago. when i first started learning how to fly, it was a needle that
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pointed to an am transmitter. for example if i flew from wichita, kansas to chicago, illinois i would tune into ws radio and follow the point on the needle and went that direction. >> unbelievable. you're on the phone with the tower and you've got your ipad in front of you. walk us through that. were they helping you find coordinates and get down from there once you had the ipad in your hand? >> when i was 20 miles out. i had made the flight before so i was familiar with it. it is mountain terrain. i had 90 hours of total time mountain flying. so in that essence i'm a low time pilot. when i flew in, i actually contacted a number i had off of a colorado aero nautical book. i went to grand junction page and called the first number i could see. it was a little bit of a bumpy flight. >> he also ordered dinner. did you order dinner and make
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dinner reservations using the open table apps? >> i'm imagine you on your phone, on the back of the seat cranking a landing gear. you are a man of many talents and we're happy you survived all this to share your story with us. >> thank you. >> thanks so much for coming in and for the advice for new young pilots. >> thanks. >> thank you for having me, guys. have a good day. >> also watching, catching up on a few episodes of his favorite television show on the ipad. unbelievable. coming up in the show, new details on fox news. edward snowden left hong kong and his flight and where he's headed now. we'll have a live report right after this. in a few hours daredevil will attempt to walk across the grand canyon on a high wire. how he's getting ready this morning. a lot of breaking news. nature's true celebrities
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a increases news alert. we have a lot of breaking news this morning. you're about to look live at a flight to moscow where nsa leaker edward snowden is on that plane there. there, tracking it on the ipad. his final destination is a mystery. we are learning new details
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about a possible wikileaks connections. peter doocy is live in washington, d.c. with the latest. hi, peter. >> hi, allison. exactly two weeks ago today edward snowden reveals himself to be the source about leaks about the nsa digital surveillance program. he was in hong kong. as you just saw he's in the air on his way to moscow. the hong kong government confirms he left lawful. we call the airline he's on and they told us a passenger named edward snowden is, indeed, on a flight to moscow right now. they say tomorrow that same edward snowden is ticketed to be on another flight from moscow to havana cuba, but it's not clear if that will be his final stop because wikileaks tweeted less than two hours ago that they helped snowden find political asylum in a democratic country. about a half hour later they
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tweeted again to say snowden was over russian airspace and wikileaks advisers are on the plane with him. the hong kong government came out in the last few hours to explain why they let this self-proclaimed nsa leaker go, writing in a statement, quote, since the documents provided by u.s. government did not fully comply with requirements under hong kong law, the special region government requested the u.s. government to provide additional information so that the department of justice could consider whether the u.s. government's request can meet the relevant legal conditions. so basically they let snowden go on a technicality. earlier this week snowden told "the guardian" newspapers he went because they had the legal framework in place to let him work without being arrested right away. that was a stop, he's going to moscow and then apparently to cuba. >> thank you so much, peter.
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>> lets put up that flight tracker screen again. we have estimation about two hours, 24 minutes, flight 24, flight su 213, that's the flight he's on. two ours, twenty minutes. he's over kazakhstakazakhstan, moscow. what happens next is anyone's guess. >> here is the irony. here is a guy who revealed the spying, aappalling spying operation in the united states and he immediately runs to communist china from which he goes to russia, then he considers going to cuba or ecuador, authoritarian american hating countries. if he's doing this in the name of liberty, why is he sucking up to dictators. >> we had gordon chang on, an international terrorism expert, this could be a fakout in terms of a ticket to cuba, he would be
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very shocked if ended up in cuba because he has to fly over airspace of countries who do have extradition treaties with the u.s. and are allies and could order the plane to be taken down and standing on the runway when they take off. gordon chang's theory, and there are reports this could be true, he would go to iceland and get asylum there and work with julian assange and wikileaks. >> this technicality and the chinese government saying if it's for political reasons we will not extradite him to the united states. lets remember some of the charges, some of the complaint charges u.s. filed against snowden. theft of government property is the top one there. then also unauthorized communication of national defense information, willful communication of classified communications intelligence information to an unauthorized person. and there also is the latter two allegations, though, amount to
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espionage, the under the espionage act. >> wasn't it interesting when we had governor huckabee on saying he talked to alan dershowitz, famed lawyer out of harvard saying if the u.s. government charged him with theft, then the chinese government would have no cover to say it was political. the theory is they would have had to extradite him back. >> our mistake was charging him with espionage. >> for tax evasion. what is really frustrating, at least from my perspective, the story is now about ed snowden. the kid is a loser. he's naive, infuriating, betrayed the united states but that's not really the point. the point is the u.s. government is spying on me. i'm a loyal american. i'm not going anything wrong and they are collecting my e-mail, my google searches. they are keeping track of my telephone calls. that is an outrage. that's the story, yet washington was dominated by conversations about what's new about ed snowden. what's the lead? >> his method is what has gotten
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everybody? >> it's outrageous running off to these countries and spilling our secrets. the core story is the obama administration is spying on me and you and you for no reason. >> and before that. you didn't like the patriot act. >> we didn't know. if the u.s. government is spying on loyal americans like me and you and you, then that is a big story, it's wrong and they should have to justify why they are doing it. i don't care who does it. they have to justify and they are not. >> further other stories in this, too, big tech companies who have come out and said, we want some liberty here. we want some freedom to say any time you come with an nsa request, we want to tell the american people, show transparency, are we allowed to do that? they haven't gotten answers whether they are allowed to. fisa requests hidden in the dark. the administration will say we have fisa court requests. that's great. we never see them. there's no transparency on the fisa court. it's held darkly in back rooms.
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you're right. the story turned into him. i think a lot of this is getting lost, some of these other big stories out there. >> i think those people, speaking for myself, i follow this stuff fairly closely, it's my job. i didn't have any idea that the patriot act was leading, making possible spying on 309 million americans. i don't think -- >> even members of congress did not know that. >> they didn't. to say they did -- look, there were committee chairman who knew but the average member of congress had no idea. it's a little disspiriting to see congress focusing on edward snowden of he's a loser, disloyal american, et cetera. don't take your eyes fromhe main story which is the obama add manage is spying on you. >> let us know what you think about the developments this morning. we'd love to hear from you via twitter. meanwhile, lets get to headlines. while the white house faces scandal after scandal, the president is busy focusing on climate change. >> this tuesday at georgetown university, i'll lay out my
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vision to prepare our country for the impacts of climate change and leave global efforts to -- no single effect to reverse climate change. when it comes to the world we leave our children, we owe it to them to do what we can. >> the president says his plan will focus on reducing pollution from carbon emissions as a way to stop climate change. his earlier tries to push climate change through congress has failed. the family of the only known u.s. prisoner of war speaks out as a taliban prisoner swal offer sits on the table. >> i will not leave you on the battlefield, beau. these people here will not leave you on the battlefield. your country will not leave you on the battle field. you're not forgotten. >> 2,000 people showed up for a rally in idaho for beaube
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bergdahl. >> secretary of state john kerry cast doubt on proposed talks about the u.s. and taliban. tonight daredevil nick what would nik wallenda will walk a third of a mile suspended 1500 feet in the air. he's doing it without a tether or safety net. stopped by and how he trains for a feat. >> i train close to the ground. put up a cable and create winds, create updrafts, down drafts, side drafts, experience the worst case of what i'll have walking across the grand canyon. >> wallenda says the walk is fulfilling a lifetime dream. it will take about 30 minutes to complete. theres a log called in the greenroom you can check out on
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fox and, more questions to nik wallenda. >> you ever do that? >> i've been to the canyon a few times. it's about 10 miles across. he's going over a narrow part of it. >> you're saying he's wimpy. >> you're throwing out a challenge like that's not a big deal. >> come on, buddy. no -- >> if you're looking at that's the grand canyon, not the grand canyon. i'm very defensive of the grandigrand cany canyon, you have no idea. if you follow me on twitter i'm constantly posting pictures. >> and your web page, defend the >> take a look at the video of the super moon last night. pretty impressive pictures. this is from miami. great video. hard to tell where it is. we are talking about the moon right now is closest to the
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earth right around just a few minutes ago. the full moon in a half hour, already set on the east coast so you can't see it anymore. if you're in the central part of the country, run outside and get that last little glimpse of the very large moon as it's crossing, setting and along the horizon. that's when it looks the largest. we'll give you more on the forecast at the top of the hour. right now send it back inside. >> thanks, you bet. irs in hot water. what if we told you they sent $46 million in tax refunds to unauthorized aliens at the same address. >> and he told nancy pelosi to comply with her duties as a public servant and as a catholic. that outspoken priest will be here in a minute to tell us why he's calling out the former house speaking. that's coming up. [ male announcer ] we've been conditioned to accept less and less
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>> thanks. >> lets start with that. how does something like this happen? >> basically this all came out of a report from the inspector general's for tax administration, the same we heard from when he exposed the tea party scandal. essentially, no oversight, mismanagement of employees. they had no incentive to find out where the fraud was and deal wit. overall we're seeing more mismanagement out of the irs. actually during that period where millions of dollars were sent to unauthorized imgrans, unauthorized aliens, that was the same period of time the tea party wasing with harassed by the irs. we see where the irs's priorities are. >> we know what was in the report. how exactly did we learn about these violations or -- these don't seem like random acts of fraud, though, because it would happen in states all across the country? >> there were over 100 addresses where there were refunds sent to more than 1,000 people at single
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addresses. we're talking about millions of dollars here. and yeah, it was basically what it boils down to is there wasn't a whole lot of oversight on the part of the irs. employees didn't have any sort of incentive to root out fraud. in fact, the opposite. they were punished if they saw something that looked funny and said, women, lets look back at that and it was found to be just fine. they were punished for that. if they did find fraud or unable to root out fraud, no punishment for it. >> irs knew they were making fraudulent transactions for years, though? >> yeah. >> why are we now just learning about it? >> this actually is a report back from 2012, last year. i think there was -- with all this irs stuff, people are going back and looking at all these old -- >> they are being audited? >> audited themselves. probably long overdue. back since 1999, they knew these refunds were going to illegal
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immigrants. really, the oversight just went down from there. they even had a task force they disbanded so look and root out fraud. it's no longer there. they cited inadequate resources for it but yet they were able to send out millions of dollars in unauthorized and fraudulent money. i don't know about that. >> inadequate resources. never forts the "star trek" video they put together and big dance party videos they put together. inadequate resources. >> inadequate and not enough to root out fraud resulting in millions of dollars, millions of taxpayer dollars going to people who hoont be getting it. >> caroline, thanks. >> nsa leaker edward snowden in air right now on a flight from hong kong to moscow. but russia is not his final destination. why cuba may be his next stop. and i quit smoking. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill.
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our next guest is demanding she denounce her catholic faith. >> good morning, father. >> good morning. >> why have you tendered this letter to speaker pelosi. >> the press briefing is absurd. this has been a growing frustration among tense of millions of catholics. i see it as i travel around the country with priests for leave. first of all we want to express frustration about pelosi and betray the faith. we're not asking her to leave the faith but practice her fate. >> on abortion. >> not only catholic faith but a public servant.
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a public servant is supposed to know the difference between serving the public and killing the public. apparently she doesn't. she doesn't know the difference between killing a baby inside the womb or outside the womb. we're trying to help people who are concerned about this to voice it in a constructive way. the letter, people are able to sign onto, we put a letter on the website, letter to people are expressing their frustration. third, this is the most fundamental point. we all have to answer that question she refused to answer in the press briefing. what's the difference between a late term abortion that is happening throughout this country and killing a baby outside the womb, for which a doctor is serving three life sentences. >> former speaker pelosi identifies in public often as a catholic, is this correct? >> yes. serious and practicing catholic. >> why has this become -- there's many species in christianity, why not become episcopal, they love abortion.
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>> not only does she want to admit that being a catholic means you take a pro-life position, she doesn't want to admit the science. a few years ago a number of bishops and myself spoke out publicly, we're not sure when life begins. you can't pass a biology test without knowing when life begins. >> are you saying in order to be catholic you have to be a perfect catholic? >> no, we all sin and fall short. you subscribe to catholicism you believe what it practices. we fall short but that's why we have confession. we're not asking her to renounce the faith but practice it, be consistent. if you say you believe it, then believe it. otherwise be honest and say, no, i can't believe what church believes. >> thank you. coming up fox news learned leader edward snowden is on a flight to moscow. could cuba be his final destination? we're live with the latest on that. in just minutes.
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good morning, today is sunday june 23rd. we begin with fox news alert. we have breaking news. nsa whistleblower edward snowden is on the move this morning. he's reportedly on a flight headed to russia. at this moment we're tracking the plane live which should land in the next few hours but moscow might not be his final destination. we have all of the breaking developments for you. >> an air show stunt goes horribly wrong as thousands of people, including children, watch as the plane goes down anderson burst into flames with a woman standing on the wing. a tragic story. we'll tell you what we're learning about its two victims. >> irs using bully tactics you have to hear to believe. the new report finds the agency was less likely to pry if the group had legal representation. so if you didn't have a lawyer,
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they were coming after you. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. good morning, everyone. a fox news alert for you. you're about to look live at a flight that has left hong kong this morning. it is bound for moscow. nsa leaker edward snowden is on that plane, we understand, but his final destination is still a mystery because we're learning new details about a possible wikileaks connection. >> as we look live at the track information, i have it on the desktop, two hours and one minute until he hands in moscow, flight over russian airspace. peter doocy with the latest on this. what do you know at this hour? >> reporter: we know edward snowden is on his way to moscow. tomorrow he's apparently going
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to havana, cube. that's the best information we could gather. hong kong says he left legally. the airline says someone named edward snowden is booked on a flight today, the plane you see there, and on a separate flight to cuba tomorrow. it is not clear yet if cuba is going to be this self-identified nsa leaker's final destination. wikileaks has already taken to twitter to say they have had a hand in helping snowden find political asylum in a democratic country. in another leak they say wikileaks advisers are flying with snowden right now. they confirmed they are already over russian airspace. now, the hong kong government say they basically let snowden leave their country on a technicality claiming the united states government did not provide the proper paperwork for extradition. but just yesterday the white
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house national security adviser tom donnellin said they made a good case for extradition based on the treaty between the united states and hong kong. the white house fully expected hong kong to comply with their treaty in the case of edward snowden. the hong kong government said they already let american authorities know they let snowden go. two weeks ago today the former nsa contractor revealed himself as the leaks about the surveillance program. he went to hong kong because they had the legal framework in place to prevent his immediate arrest. it appears at this hour that he was right. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy, live in washington. very important information peter mentioned there, wikileaks reported on their twitter page saying they have helped him get to a democratic country, which, as you know, cuba is not a democratic country. >> doesn't mean wikileaks doesn't consider it a democratic country. >> perhaps.
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>> joining us on the phone, john suarez, thanks for joining us. if snowden winds up in savannah, he'll be joining, i think, quite a few other fugitives from u.s. justice there. who else is hiding out in cuba, do you know? >> in the past, others. the cia's first defector was recruited by cuban intelligence service in 19d 73 and made public identity of more than 255 cia officers and also served as a propaganda tool for decades in cuba. i think that if snowden were to remain in cuba, which appears unlikely now, probably he said up in ecuador with wikileaks. >> why, john, would cuba want him? why would they be doing this? >> well, for a number of reasons. one, the propaganda value. the idea that the united states is spying on the phone
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conversations of citizens and internet communications. the government engages in practices all the time and this would serve to legitimize or justify. snowden as a contractor has access to information that is sensitive. they have had intelligence operatives infiltrating defense agency. velasquez who is in cuba married to someone there. they would probably like to get additional information what snowden knows about u.s. intelligence gathering practices. as recently as 2012, there were reports of cuba, iran, venezuelan officials meeting in mexico to discuss how to commit
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cyber attacks on u.s. soil. they were also interested in getting information about nuclear power plants in the united states, as fbi opened investigations in this matter. finally as a bargaining chip, i'm sure snowden wouldn't appreciate being used that way but they have four spies serving long prison sentences including for the murder of u.s. citizens they would want back and snowden could be a bargaining chip. >> given cuba's horrible record on human rights and its use of executions and arbitrary imprisonment, why would edward snowden -- we know someone with the name of edward snowden has an airline ticket to cuba taupe. why would he consider that route? >> because he knows -- he believes that cuba, being an enemy of the united states, an enemy currently harboring a
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terrorist, who, by the way has a website from cuba of a publication published in cuba that advocates terrorism explicitly as a tactic that's legitimate, she's there, protected, u.s. government wants her. they haven't extradited her back. at least in terms of a place to stay or a trans shipment point to ecuador, i guess he used that as a less risky place to be used as a bargaining chip than, lets say, hong kong or china that has better relations with the united states. >> we know wikileaks reporting this morning on their twitter page just about an hour ago, they said mr. snowden is currently over russia and russian airspace accompanied by wikileaks legal advisers. so wikileaks has attorneys with him. does that complicate matters as he heads into cuba, allegedly? >> it won't complicate matters. what i think when they say he'll
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end up in a democratic country, i'm guessing ecuador. ecuador provided political asylum to julian assange basically living out of their embassy for quite sometime now. that would be my guess. cuba as a trans shipment point doesn't shock me either. >> what would be ecuador's motive in allowing julian assange to be a refugee there and snowden to come, if he does. >> the president of ecuador is one of these like chavez, very pro castro, "she anti-american. in his case -- his father i'm talking about here. his father was arrested for drug trafficking. his anti-americanism is very strong. i think out of personal motives in addition to other motives i
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outline, using snowden. frankly that surveillance program does have a totalitarian flavor to it. regimes that are totalitarian, going in the totalitarian direction can make a lot of hay out of it and use it to legitimize themselves. >> if snowden ends up in ecuador or cuba or iceland, what can the u.s. then do? >> what they can do is what they were trying to do in china is try to negotiate his return. i view that as highly unlikely unless there's something that the u.s. can offer those states that interest it more than the loss of face they would have of returning someone there. they will no doubt identify as political asylum seeker.
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>> john suarez, cuban director, great ip sight this morning. thanks for joining us, john. >> thank you for having me. >> we want to update our viewers. if you're just waking up this hour, you're looking at a live flight tracker of edward snowden's plane. basically he's an hour and 52 minutes. if you stick with us in our 9:00 hour he's going to land in moscow, as he left hong kong of his final destination is anyone's guess. he's accompanied, according to wikileaks on wikileaks twitter page accompanied on the flight with him to moscow. >> we'll keep you posted on this story for the next three hours. meanwhile the rest of your headlines. an ohio air show turned tragic when a stunt plane slammed into the ground killing the pilot and wing walker. the accident was caught on camera and its very disturbing to watch. here is a piece of it. >> miss jane wicker sitting on top of the world. oh, no.
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>> wing walker jane wicker and her pilot charlie schwenker were mid performance when the plane took a sudden nosedive and burst into flames on the ground. witnesses say the plane was flying low before crashing. >> it's kind of surreal that you can believe something like that actually happened in front of you. you're just kind of in a state of shock. you really don't know what to think. i just started praying. >> the air show was canceled yesterday. organizers say they want the show to continue today. there are new developments in the murder mystery surrounding nfl star hernandez. police and canine units spent four hours combing through his home in the latest search for evidence. investigators did walk away with bags of items. they are trying to find out what connection, if any, he has to the shooting death of his friend he have an floyd.
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he destroyed his security system and cell phone after this happen. an arrest warrant for obstruction of justice has been issued by not executed. to add insult to injury, they sent water bills for storm damaged homes they have not lived in for months. home owners charged an average of $1.20 a day since the end of october. congressman asking the city to waive all fees for the homes damaged by the storm headlines. >> more on fox news alert this hour, edward snowden on the run with our nation's top secrets. just how dangerous could he be on the hands of our enemies. >> the irs is using bully tactics you have to hear to believe. a new report finds the agency targeting groups that don't have legal representation, preying on the weak. details ahead.
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snowden is two hours away from landing in moscow, russia, and there's speculation from there he will head to kubds, ecuba, e. how dangerous is it for our enemies to get ahold of edward
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snowden's security secrets, the famous thumb drive he carries now. conservative columnist, amber, thanks for joining us. how dangerous is this to u.s. secretary, the fact edward snowden may be on the way to cuba? >> good morning. this is extremely dangerous consequences. this is turning into a bad episode of "spy games." regardless of snowden's initial intent of revealing nsa overstepping its boundaries and encroaching on american civil liberties, it's now beyond that he fled to china. he's now en route to russia, possibly cuba, ecuador, venezuela. so any one of those governments would love to get their hands on very secret information that snowden has in the documents he's obtained and use that denies us.
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>> the u.s. government looks weak and ineffectual. if you can't prevent a 30-year-old from walking off with potentially gravely damaging secrets, what can you do? >> you're absolutely right. this is a huge embarrassment for the united states. here we have a former government contractor who was responsible for very top secret information, and the fact he's galavanting across the globe with our secrets it slultly makes the u.s. look weak and they are not in control of the people they use to contain these secrets. >> in some ways isn't this good news from the obama administration because it turns attention away from the program itself. two weeks ago we learned they are spying on law abiding americans, you, me, others in the united states. now it's not about that, it's about the man who revealed it, edward snowden? >> yeah, you're absolutely
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right. this has taken the attention off of his initial reaction, which was to notify the american people of what the nsa, how they were overstepping boundaries and spying on americans. that definitely must stay in the limelight. obviously that needs to be looked into deeply. he went about it all the wrong way. you don't go to a foreign government and then release secrets that will eventually hurt the united states. other countries will use it as propaganda. they will use it for recruiting future spies and use our techniques and technology to eventually spy on us and against us. you do have to make sure you don't get lost what's going on with edward snowden. you can't forts about the information he did release. he went about it the wrong way.
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>> if you're going to stand on principle, stand on principle. amber, thanks a lot. i appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker, for having me. >> here is another research watching "fox & friends," research shows watching television helps your kids in school. you may not believe it. we have evidence we will marshall in our defense coming up plus our favorite two loveable monsters back on the big screen but is "monsters university" worth your green. kevin mccarthy joins us in the studio coming up. [old english accent] i doth declare that thou have brought overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you.
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first, two hours. that's how long thrill riders
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were stuck upside down on this roller coaster. >> oh, my gosh. >> fortunately all 11 people got off the ride safely. >> they got their money's worth. >> $45 million that's the price tag for chelsea clinton's husband in new york city. clinton and her husband are selling the three-bedroom home and moving to a bigger place nearby. if you've got the money, it's on the market. >> finally, $345.6 million. that's how much "man of steel" made. june box office record beating out "toy story 3" for biggest opening in june. >> well, speaking of movies, thank you, clayton. you loved him in monsters, inc., now back with monsters in their college years called "monsters university." >> welcome to scaring 101. >> you don't need to study
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scaring, you just do it. >> that is my point. >> my point hang out someone more your speed. >> want to join. >> do you have cake? >> does the prequel live up to the original? kevin mccarthy joins us. hey, kiev. >> good to see you guys. >> even for a kids movie. this is a sequel, the success for the first pixar film. critics slamming this. >> the 2001 movie a classic. i love pixar. genius concept. two monsters working at a screen factory and the entire thing ran by scaring children. going back to college days meeting them, their relationship, how they became best friends where they were in monste monsters, inc. i'm not usually a fan of preq l
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prequels, but i love spending time with them. usually they don't record their voice together. they usually go in alone. they voiced together at the same time. they videoed to they could have likeness. >> can you tell a a difference? >> oh yes. this movie doesn't live up to the classic nature of monsters, inc. had so many memorable scenes but it's a step in the right direction. >> cars 2 were lackluster. >> and brave. >> i love waly. anybody who doesn't cry in the first ten minutes of "up." i lose it. it's a masterpiece. i love it. >> you're a passionate man. >> 3.5 out of 5. doesn't live up to the clack nature. make sure you stay after the credits.
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the funniest appoint in the movie is a joke they set up earlier. 3.5, see it with your families. >> kids will like it. they won't worry about some of the subtlety of that. they will enjoy it. >> pixar has that perfect balance of being for adults and kids. there's that line. >> so you bonded with billy crystal? >> yes. >> what did you talk about? >> my girlfriend and i were in manhattan and visited the deli where they shot the famous scene, "when harry met sally," the famous scene of i'll have what she's having. we took a picture in the same angle right there and i printed out an 8 by 10 photo of lauren and i and meg ryan on the top. i showed it to billy crystal. this is his reaction. check this out. >> this is a very cool thing what he did. you can see at the top is meg and i from harry and sally in katz deli in the bottom kevin
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and lauren. it's her birthday. >> her birthday. >> are you going to marry her? >> you are now. >> i am now. >> he put me in a corner there. >> are you going to marry her? >> i mean, i planned on it. >> when are you asking her. >> we've been dating a yee and a half. >> what about a proposal now. >> national television. >> we don't want to put you on the spot. >> did lauren act out the same scene as meg ryan. >> we did not do that. we should have. did you notice -- >> you have a lifetime to do that, now that you're married. >> soda price $0.85 in our shot, $2.65 in our shot. he wrote, happy birthday lauren, yes, yes, yes. >> we'll get her on the phone and see if she's accepted. >> 3.5 out of 5 for "monsters university." >> he's dodging. >> i'm trying to dodge this. >> unbelievable. >> kevin mccarthy and lauren.
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>> congratulations. >> people can follow on twitter if they want to tweet movie questions. >> or wedding questions. >> fox news alert, a little over an hour, snowden will land in moscow. where is he heading next. more on that. >> before you hit the road for your summer vacation, we've got what you must pack in your car to keep the ride smooth. oh, that's important. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar, for every dollar
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you are taking a live look at a flight from hong kong to moscow. this is a computer generated version of it. nsa leaker edward snowden is on that plane. his final destination is a mystery at this hour, based on statements made by administration officials, the u.s. was caught off-guard by snowden's sudden departure. we should also let you know, we believe he's arriving in moscow 9:15 eastern time this morning. we will bring you the pictures, the sound, whoever interviews him at this moment, we will bring them to you as soon as we get it. >> after 9:00 p.m. moscow time. peter doocy is live in washington, d.c. with the latest on all of this and where he could finally actually be heading. right, peter? >> that's right, clayton.
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it was just yesterday that the white house national security adviser tom donnellin came out and said the u.s. made a good case for extradition in an interview with cbs news radio. furthermore he said the white house was expecting hong kong to comply with the extradition treaty in the case of edward snowden. but a few hours ago the hong kong government came out and said snowden left lawfully. reportedly using the flight, they reported he was ongoing a flight to russia and that same edward snowden ticketed on a separate flight to havana, cuba, tomorrow, a flight scheduled to leave at 2:05 p.m. moscow time. we have no idea if cuba is his final destination at this point, but we have reason to believe it is not, because wikileaks has tweeted they had a hand in helping snowden secure political asylum in a democratic country.
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as we know, cuba does not fall into the category of democratic countries. wikileaks also says one of their legal advisers is traveling with snowden today. the hong kong government said they basically let the self-identified leaker leave freely on a technicality. they said the united states never actually provided proper documentation to support snowden's extradition, so they had no reason to take him in or hand him over, they say. in an only interview he said he went public with his identity as a leaker in hong kong because hong kong doesn't have a legal framework in place that would require his immediate rest. it appears he was right. keep in mind it was two weeks ago today we first saw snowden's face and he's now on the move. back to you in new york. >> all right, peter. thanks so much for that update. we will bring you all the latest information including video, a live short as soon as we have it. meanwhile, here are your headlines. four construction workers at
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texas a&m university are injured after a barn frame collapsed. the barn in front of a new equestrian contract being built. men on overhead lifts bolting steel together when it collapsed throwing them to the ground. they used stabilizers before they could rescue the men. the men in critical condition right now. the cause is investigated. fright think new details about the irs scandal. the agency specifically targeted groups that didn't have legal representation. a review of the cincinnati inquirer, only two groups applied without the help of an attorney. the report goes on to show those two groups were asked inappropriate questions and given unjustified attention. other groups with lawyers claimed they were not asked a single question by the agency. >> all right. tv watching is good for you, a blow to parents who scold
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children for watching too much tv. a new study shows kids glued to the screen for hours a day could significantly outperform their classmates. who did this, >> cable news industry. >> shows it's underrated and can teach children a larger vocabulary than they get at home. that explains my child hide. meanwhile one walks home with quite the dubious distinction. >> the world's ugliest dog. give it up for wally. >> that's terrible. the 4-year-old mut crowned the ugliest pooch on the planet. now, come on. he's not ugly. he and other hideous hounds strutted their stuff. they do it each year at the world's ugliest dog contest in california. wally's owner said she's thrilled her pooch came out on
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the bottom? >> always says there's something wrong with him, head too big, too short. nice to know he can win. >> wally is a beagle, boxer, basset hound. i don't think it's an ugly dog. do you? >> no, he has fur. the typical dog, and i call this each year pretty closely, is a hairless version, like a hairless doc hairless dachshund. >> with little bangs. i think that dog is cute, actually. take a look at weather maps. a couple of big stories going on. certainly one of them is crosshairs of the central plains, heavy rain falls. we're at the fourth day in a row when we see massive storms going through. this morning big forms through minneapolis, stretching down towards the des moines area and
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passing through omaha. over the last 48 hours incredibly heavy rain is falling especially across northeastern iowa, southeastern minnesota and in towards wisconsin. take a look at this video. there's spots here. that's a radar estimation that's seen 12 inches of rain in the last 48 hours. this is the flooding caused. there's been major -- people rescued and evacuations from flooding. a little more rain going on there as well over the next couple of days i think we potentially might see a couple inches of rain there. that means that it's going to be continued flooding. that's how much rain we're going to see. yellow, spots of two inches. six states in the northern plains with flooding concerns. where you see counties in maroon, flash flooding going on this morning. very dangerous conditions, severe weather through the area. northern plains where the big problem is, anywhere to the south of that, warm but drier. clayton, send it over to you.
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>> thanks so much, rick. planning to hit the road this summer? so many people hitting the road. anything organized can be tricky. yes, you know this. our next guest has tips to make travels run smoothly and save you money at the same time. jenna frances is the founder of, daily deal sites. she joins us. >> thanks for having me. is a good website for moms and babies, we're highlighting five products that makes traveling on the goesier. >> in the minivan, start with snacks. every kid needs a snack. they will whine if they don't get something. >> this is five tiers. it's fantastic. it keeps snacks separated, easy to grab what you need, easy to throw in the backpack and kids love it, too.
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>> how do you keep the peace on the road. >> this is a great product. flash cards on a key ring with age appropriate activities, all the way from 18 months to seven years and attach to the car seat. >> my car looks like a biohazard. i pull out the car seat, dried puffs, bananas, looks like a biohazard area. how do you keep the messes from getting messier. >> this is is an ecofriendly hand sanitizer. made of essential oils. you can use it on car seat, it's a spray. >> fermented milk smell. if you don't have kids you'll enjoy it. kids love stuffed animals, makes them feel safe on the road, an extension of them, put it out in the world. >> this is a fantastic product. you can tell it looks like a stuffed animal.
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it's also a pillow and blanket inside as well. they bring the comforts of home but they have a pillow. it's three in one. you unzip, full fleece, super handy, attaches to the stroller, car seat. >> bags. you need to carry stuff. move to the trunk. you've got great bag ideas as well. >> on the go you need a bag much bigger than diaper bag or purse. this is a fantastic lightweight bag that holds everything. it's got lots of pockets, lots of storage, machine washable as well. >> nice. the ergo baby, the car seat? >> once you get there, you need an addition to the stroller, a great way to carry baby or your toddler. this is a fan favorite of ours. three in one where you hold the baby on the front, side, or back. it's been an unbelievable carrier. >> we love it in our house.
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you strap it on with the baby up front, in the back. >> easy for baby and ergonomic. >> my daughter fell asleep in this many times. go to for more information. ally, tucker, was your car a biohazard. >> you have no idea how urine smells. after years of record lows, what does it mean if you're in the market for a new home. a real estate expert to tell us. >> just because it's leafy green doesn't mean it's healthy. some salads that are worse for your waste line than a big mac. the great outdoors, and a great deal. grrrr ahhh let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at
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bruising, bleeding, or palens. nce enbrel helped relieve my joint pain, it's the little things that mean the most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. after years of record lows mortgage interest rates inching up, bernanke hinting the federal stimulus program will come to an end. the interest rate hit 4.25%. in may that same rate was 3.5%. so where is this all heading and what will it do to the economy? joining us real estate expert morgan brennan. good to see you. turbulent week on the stock market. where do you think the economy is today? >> that's the big question everyone is asking themselves
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and try to answer. we saw a bit of a market meltdown, the federal reserve came out and confirmed they are going to pull back on $85 billion a month bond buyback. they are looking to tape thaer down and finish it completely the middle of next year. we saw the market responding to that, shifting to more defensive stocks. we've been seeing sellingoffs with treasuriry pushing mortgage rates up. >> talk about what this means for homeowners? what does it mean as mortgage interest rate ticks up. >> the cost of borrowing more expensive. as you mentioned beginning of may 3.5 on 30 year fix, up to 4.25 now. that translates to an extra $40 a month for every $100,000 of mortgage you're taking out. still near historic lows but i think that rate will continue to rise, albeit a little national association of realtors expected to hit about 5% in early 2014.
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>> and buying was just going back up. home buying, which had leveled off and we saw all those homes for closed on. it seems like the market was getting frothier lately. >> frothy is a good work. we've seen home sales surge, prices jump by double digit percentages annually in the last couple of months. i think short-term there's two effects of rising mortgage interest rates. short-term. first, i think we're going to see more buyers come to the market who have been sitting on the sidelines who will lock in on low rates. we could see a bump in coming months. the second issue, we're going to see frothy home price appreciation that economists are worrying might not be sustainable and causing bubble talk. i think we're going to see dramatic home price appreciation slow down a little bit. not to say we'll see prices drop but not quite the run-up on prices. >> thanks so much for the insight. >> thanks for having me.
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>> in a little more than an hour edward snowden will land in moscow. where does he land next? how did either out of hong kong? gordon chang will weigh in for us. some of these salads have more than twice the fat of the big mac. we'll tell you the biggest offenders. meet the newest member of the quicken loans family: j.d. power and associates has ranked quicken loans
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if you think ordering salad on the menu is always the healthiest option, think again. sometimes a salad can be just as bad or worse in terms of its calories than a big mac. >> that's why i go for a steak.
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>> here is the editor-at-large with "shape" magazine. some of these salads have heart healthy icon. >> not always. we assume salad has that halo around it. there's lettuce and vegetables. there's ingredients that can push it over the edge. >> fried chicken on top. >> this is crispy chicken and a lot of people think protein is a good choice. crispy chicken can add 900 to 1,000 calories which is a lot of calories. make sure instead of the crispy chicken go for a grilled chicken option. >> you're making a powerful case for the big mac. >> i love the big mac, but everything in moderation. >> greek salad. that's healthy and low calorie. >> the base of a greek salad is only about 300 calories. you have tomatoes and cucumbers.
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however, when you add the add ones like your, like these things, or the feta cheese, it pushes the calorie count and there's a lot of sodium as well. the grape leaves, i was trying to think what that's called. you add sodium and dressing will take things over the edge. if you're trying to lose weight not the best option. >> steak salad. this is not bad, right? it's meat. we know not really bad for you. looks like not a lot of weird dressing scattered. >> right. steak salad is great except steak has a lot of saturated fat. in general proteins are good four but steak itself has a lot of saturated fat. then the calorie count on this is 16 grams of saturated fat. >> these are nonsalad salads. chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad. these aren't that good for you
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either? >> at one point people that used to be on a diet would have a scoop of egg salad with a piece of lettuce. when you useful fat mayo it's almost 700 calories. >> and this is -- >> our typical chef salad. the problem is carb lovers love this. you have deli meets and cheeses. when you add dressing and add those different deli meats that push your calorie count to 900 calories. >> for comparison what's the big maccalorie count? >> 550 calories. >> i feel like vana white. >> that was fascinating and helpful. here's to the burger. nsa leaker edward snowden will touch down in moscow in just over an hour. will he go from there. chris wallace is here.
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good morning again. today is sunday, june 23rd. we begin with a fox news alert. nsa whistle blower edward snowden is on the move this morning. reportedly on a flight from hong kong to moscow. we're tracking the plane live which is expected to land in about an hour from now. moscow might not be his final destination. we'll have all the breaking developments for you. an air show stunt goes wrong as thousands of people including kids watch a plane go down and burst into flames with a woman standing on the wing. >> watch this, jane sitting on on the of the world. oh, no. >> a tragic story. what we're learning about the
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two victims coming up. while the white house faces another scandal after another scandal what will the president focus on this week? climate change of course. we'll take a closer look at the president's agenda this week. fox and friends hour three starts right now. welcome to ""fox & friends"" on this sunday morning. what you're looking at here is a live look at a flight from hong kong to moscow. this is on flight radar right now. this is nsa leaker edward snowden is on that very plane. will land within the hour. in moscow. but his final destination, those is still a mystery. >> so much breaking news. peter doocy is live in washington, d.c. tracking this for us. >> reporter: remember that edward snowden has been charged with espionage here in the united states and on a plane
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right now but it isn't to turn himself in based on our latest information. the hong kong government said this self-identified leaker left lawfully today and we spoke to the airline he's using, aeroflot told us not only is someone named edward snowden booked on a flight from hong kong to moscow but someone named edward snowden is booked on a flight from mosko to had a va narcotivana, cuba. wikileaks helped snowden find asylum in a democratic country but cuba doesn't fit that bill. they got a legal adviser traveling with snowden and in a tweet wikileaks confirmed snowden and that adviser have made it into russian airspace already. this weekend just yesterday the white house national security adviser told cbs news that the united states made a good case
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for extradition and that the white house expected hong kong to comply with the extradition treaty, but the government in hong kong says the united states never really gave them proper documents to force extradition so they had no reason to bring him in and no reason not to let him leave on his own. snowden spent two weeks in hong kong as a wanted man since it was two sundays ago that we first saw his face. back to you. thank you for the update. we want to bring in the author of "nuclear showdown." we're lucky to have your expertise with us this morning. why russia? >> well, i think that he really was on the run. the pressure was because of the extradition agreement. he had to do something. he may have been actually tipped off by hong kong authorities that he had -- basically he was going to be sent over to the u.s. if he didn't leave. so i think essentially russia made it very clear in the past they would welcome snowden so this was the easy thing to do.
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also, you know, russia is on the way to iceland and i think that's his preferred destination. >> we're hearing interpol which is a cooperative law enforcement agency has issued an alert, a red alert for snowden. not an arrest warrant but it's a request from a member country of the u.s. to detain him preparatory to extradition. how important a development is this, are countries likely to act on it on the u.s.'s behalf. >> it's very important because a lot of countries would pay attention to that. russia won't. russia wants to stick to it us. therefore, russia was a very good choice for snowden because he knows that moscow does not want to cooperate with us. and so i think that's good for him. >> we know wikileaks tweeted earlier this morning some information. one they have legal advisers on board with him and helped facilitate getting him out of
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hong kong. they want to bring him to a democratic country. therefore that rules out russia. you believe it rules out cuba and he could be headed to south america. >> in julian assange's mind you don't know what he means by democratic. he has been negotiating with the iceland government for asylum. iceland has been negotiating with a third-party for snowden. we know snowden tried to get in touch with julian assange through an intermediary. if they can't get asylum for snowden maybe they will go to this ecuadorian solution. >> did america screw up? >> we didn't have a number of good options. one of the important things we want to prevent wikileaks from gets ahold of this.
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now chinese intelligence has what snowden brought on his thumb drive. that's really bad. it will get worse if russia takes it as well. so, yeah, there weren't many good options but i think the worse scenarios are coming into play. >> don't we have to assume that's why russia is doing this, they want what's on the thumb drive. >> absolutely. otherwise why would they grant a visa on an emergency basis to snowden. clearly putin wants something. he wants to know what's on those thumb drives. he wants to use snowden for publicity purposes as well. it's not just the information but the publicity which china milked when snowden was in hong kong. >> up say you believe he's on his way to iceland. if he makes to it iceland is he vulnerable? can he be extra dpritd there to the united states and what motive would the government of iceland have to stick it to the united states? >> iceland has never extra ditd
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an american citizen even though there's an extradition agreement. iceland has had this tradition of protecting people, giving refuge. this is where julian assange has a good relationship with the ice laddic government. his infrastructure is located in iceland. clearly julian assange has pretty good contacts there and that's why i sort of think that's where he's eventual going. >> we got an update on this interpol situation. this is still a fluid situation. interpol may issue a red alert when he lands in moscow, we don't have hat information confirmed just yet from our newsroom. however if we put up that flight tracker. we're tracking edward snowden this morning, the nsa leaker. here's the flight path as he left hong kong on his way to moscow and when he land, gordon, what is likely to happen. we're traveling on vacation, we grab our bags and go to our connecting flight. what happens to a guy with an
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interpol red alert possibility? >> i'm sure the russian authorities one way or another will make sure snowden is not a free person. they very well may not take him into custody formally. they will do what the hong kong authorities did is basically track him and make sure he was in a location where others couldn't get at him because in hong kong he was in that proverbial safe house. he moved around a couple of times. hong kong authorities and chinese against was very close to where snowden was. i'm sure the russians will do the same thing. it will be subtle but effective. >> who is paying for all of this. >> that's a great question. i think that when he was in hong kong probably the guardian, the newspaper. china was behind it. china got those document from snowden which had all that detailed technical information which was invaluable to beijing. so maybe the hong kong newspaper, china was giving him
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money. but, you know, we answered that question. we answer everything else about what's happened. >> so i know the case with julian assange there's a defense fund you can go online contribute if you want. not that you want to. is there any evidence that snowden set up anything like that? >> no. but the thing very interesting about this, julian assange's connection is that there was an icelandic businessman who said that through his company data cell that they had arranged all the money for snowden. that's untrue because this businessman is no longer connected with data cell and the people who are now running data cell say they have no connection with funding snowden. so clearly something is really very fishy in the background here that julian assange is doing something, probably getting money from a foreign government and not wanting to disclose it and, therefore, putting out this really false story. >> gordon, before we let you go, if you were a betting man would you say iceland is where he's
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headed. >> i say that's where he'll go if he can get in. i think the new government will give him asay aluminum. 65%, 75%. he'll be in iceland in the next couple of weeks. >> a horrible scene at a ohio air show. the accident was caught on camera and this is very disturbing graphic video. >> jane wicker, sitting on top of the world. oh, no. [ bleep ] >> wind walker jane wicker and her pilot were mid-performance when the plane took a sudden turn then a nose dive into the ground and burst into flames. witnesses say the plane was flying very low just before crashing.
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kind of surreal that you can't believe something like that actually happened in front of you and you just kind of, you know, you're in a state of shock and you really don't know what to think and i just started crying. the air show cancelled yesterday but organizers say the performers want the show to continue today. new developments in the murder mystery surrounding nfl star aaron hernandez. police and k-9 units spent four hours combing through his home in the latest search for evidence. investigators walked away with bags of items. police are trying to find out what connection if any hernandez had to the shooting death of his friend odin lloyd. hernandez destroyed his own home security system and cell phone after this happened. an arrest warrant for obstruction of justice has been issued for hernandez but not yet executed. and funeral service for actor james gandolfini is set for this thursday in his home state of thursday. the 51-year-old soprano star
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died wednesday of a heart attack while on vacation in italy. a film festival he planned to attend this weekend in sicily turned into a tribute to his work. >> romance, it is hard and it is eyes and that's what made tony soprano timeless universal character that people could rethe light. >> new jersey governor chris christie ordered all state flags to be lowered to half-staff monday in honor of gandolfini. those are your headlines. thanks. more on that fox news alert will where edward snowden go and what does it mean for our national security. chris wallace is here to weigh in on the new developments. he's coming up next. from a dominos driver to a franchise owner one man sharing how he made the american dream a reality and how you can do it too. that's coming up. the verizon share everything plan for small busines
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lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone... but i'm still on vacation... ...stilln the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, thentern's tablet. the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers, oh sorry... all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry q10 for $199.99.
5:14 am
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and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. safety is a vital part of bp's commitment to america - and to the nearly 25000 peopleho work withs here. we invest more in the u.s. than anywhere else in the world. over fifty-five billion dollars here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. we now know the nsa leaker edward snowden is on the move at this hour. he's currently headed from hong kong to moscow. but his next stop after moscow could be cuba, could be ecuador,
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could be iceland. >> joining us now is chris wallace joining us from washington. chris, good morning. how is the obama administration responding to this? it seems almost like a passive nonparticipant in this saga. >> don't know that's fair, tucker. apparently they sent an extradition request to the hong kong authorities. hong kong authorities said it did not fully comply with their laws. my guess is they just wanted him out of the country and didn't want to have to deal with him. there's a limit to what the obama administration can do at this point. if countries like china and russia and maybe a third country whether it's cuba or venezuela or iceland wants to accept edward snowden there's not much the u.s. can do about it. >> i guess that's the next question. if he arrives on iceland, gordon saying if he was a betting man 70% he's going to go iceland at least what he thinks. what do you make of that?
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what does the obama administration try to do if he lands in a country like iceland. >> not like we're going to send navy s.e.a.l.s. we'll go through legal channels and seek extradition, apparently. snowden had said this before that iceland had, he thought, very favorable extradition rules from his point of view. we're going to have to go through the legal process and if countries want to cooperate they will cooperate. if they don't want to cooperate they won't. >> chris, there's reason to believe that edward snowden may have at this point shared the contents of his lap. or thumb drive with chinese or hong kong authorities. he may do the same when he lands in russia. has the administration, the obama administration talked about what this means for our country? >> well, look they are obviously very concerned about it and there's no question, which is one of the reasons i had thought that perhaps snowden was going to stay in china. maybe he tried stay in china because he was leaking a lot of
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information about alleged and, you know, just because snowden says it's true doesn't mean it's true we have to keep that in mind. snowden had leaked alleged u.s. hacking into chinese computer systems. now, you know, the thought was perhaps this was an effort to buy asylum in china. whether or not that was a factor they decided they didn't want a part of him and let him leave. let's make him somebody else's problem. >> chris, very quickly i noticed all the attention in washington is on snowden, how he's a traitor, et cetera, is anybody in the congress on the republican or democratic side focused on the core story the fact that the obama administration is spying on american citizens? is anyone keeping that story alive? >> yeah. but when we say spying, i think we have to keep in mind that this salel system, start under the bush administration. it has the approval of the
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president. ko congress has signed off on this. you have back being from the top people, congress, house intelligence committee. the supreme court said it's legal. there's a court that weighs in. there's a public policy question, is this proper or not. should new limits be set on it. this is not a unilateral power grab by the obama administration. this is something that's gone through the entire system and been approved by all three branches of our government. >> meanwhile on your show today the debate continues on immigration reform. you have a big show today focused on that in part. >> in part. we're obviously going to focus first of all on edward snowden. this is an extraordinary story as the most wanted man in the world is flying from china to russia and who knows where. fortunately the people we talk to about immigration can also talk about this. lindsey graham and mike lee both members of the armed services
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committee. they are key players in immigration reform. lindsey graham a member of the gang of eight. mike lee, of course, is a big opponent it. we'll talk to them. >> we'll be watching fox news sunday, chris. thanks so much. thanks, chris. we'll do the rest. ♪ aren't always the most obvious. take the humble stevia plant, with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, rn from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness.
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proof the american dream is still alive. he started as a delivery man or even lower and he worked his way all the way up the ladder to the top of the company. >> now he owns ten domino pizza stores. he joins us now to share his story of success. how did you get from there to here? >> it really is just hard work, integrity, hard work, doing what it takes, same thing that many other dominos people do all over the world.
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i'm just one of the fortunate ones that get to come on and tell my story. >> your story is really interesting. you started on the lowest running of the totem pole. what were you doing in 1987? >> 1987 i was out there passing pizza domino flyers door-to-door. >> i was a pizza delivery boy 1987 and i didn't wind up with ten stor i stayed with the drea. i stay focus preponderance of the evidence liked controlling my own destiny. >> there are 4,500 domino stores owned and operated by people like yourself who started lower. so you were handing out flyers. what was your next hop up? >> next step was at the age of 14 answering phones. make being pizzas. learning how to really top the pizzas and give people what they ask for. >> did you just sock away money all along the way? how did you end up being able to buy franchises. >> luckily dominos gives you great support.
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they give great lenders that they align with. when you really work hard and establish that relationship and the great work, work ethic and credit scores, you're able to obtain financing that helps you out. >> so, also i got to say you're selling a product that people like. >> absolutely. >> many years of eating dmomino what is that >> chocolate lava cake. it's new to you. but with a nice cold glass of milk those things are phenomenal. >> on june 24th you're launching the first-ever national campaign that focuses on the driver to franchise. so tell us how people can get involved. >> in dominos pizza you're getting an opportunity. you go in there with that work ethic, do the hard work of making pizzas and delivering pizzas. stay on the right path they will give the tools and training and that's what i took advantage of just like many others. 90% of us franchisees started
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out delivering pizzas or making piz pizzas. >> you brought some pizzas. what's your favorite? >> it's similar to the hawaiian style. bacon and pineapple. >> my favorite too. thin crust. >> that's phenomenal. >> let's ask our viewers to remember to tip your drivers. >> please tip your delivery drivers. >> what's the appropriate tip? i'm confused about this. >> it's up to the customers. we never expect it. it's an honor for us to receive it. i teach and train my drivers go there, smile, thank them and whatever you get is great. maybe it wasn't great this time maybe next time it will be better. >> 40% in that range. >> if you're one of the drivers yeah 40% is great. >> should i sample this? >> absolutely. >> awesome. thank you very much. >> thanks so much. >> new twist in the olympic blade runner murder story the case against oscar pistorius
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brought to a halt he can't remember the password to his iphone. and here's tips to pick the best gas grill for all your barbecue needs. >> you're a good co-host. [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. ♪ [ tires screech ] but you better get here fast. [ girl ] hey, daddy's here. here you go, honey. thank you. [ male announcer ] because a good thing like this won't last forever. mmm. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealefor an incredible offeon the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. but hurry. offers end soon.
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24 hours. zero heartburn. breaking news for you right now.
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a fox news alert. edward snowden is on a flight to moscow. wikileaks may be the one that helped him get on the plane and out of hong kong. >> you're looking at a live flight tracker. this plane is on final approach into moscow. moscow on the left side of your strength. peter doocy is in washington, d.c. the latest. we know he'll be landing in moscow. what we don't know is what will happen next, right? >> reporter: in the last few minutes we heard from the website wikileaks who said edward snowden contacted them to help him get out of hong kong safely. wikileaks says snowden is traveling right now with some of their legal advisors and diplomats on a way to a democratic nation via a safe route that's what wikileaks says and once he gets to that democratic nation wikileaks says snowden will seek asylum. here's the quote from the legal adviser to wikileaks. wikileaks legal team and i are interested in preserving mr.
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snowden's rights and protecting him as a person. what is being done to mr. snowden and to mr. julian assange for making or facilitating disclosures in the public interest is an assault against the people. now, the best information that we have right now comes from the airline aeroflot who told us a passenger named edward snowden with the same dirt date as the edward snowden who says he leaked nsa documents is on board a flight from hong kong to moscow and that airline also tells us that a man named edward snowden is booked on a flight tomorrow afternoon from moscow to cuba. cuba is not a democratic country. wikileaks insists edward snowden will seek asylum in a democratic country. we heard from the national security adviser that the united states made a good case, he thinks for extradition and that they were expecting hong kong to comply with the practice
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addition treaty but hong kong says the united states never provided proper documentation to compel them to extradite edward snowden so they didn't see a need to arrest snowden and let him leave freely earlier today. now hong kong also says, basically, they had no reason to keep him. we're still waiting for further reaction from the united states agencies. back to you. that's a lot of good information. i mean we've been wondering this morning who is providing the infrastructure. you can't sit in a hotel room in hong kong and fielding calls from russian officials or cuban officials and making travel plans. if wikileaks is the infrastructure that's providing money possibly and plane tickets that makes more sense. >> what a shame he's connected with these anti-government creeps and authoritarian. you can make a pro american case for the public that they are being spied upon but this guy takes it in this direction goes to cuba, russia, communist
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china. he's discrediting his own cause. >> edward snowden heading in to moscow on that final approach there you were seeing on that flight tracker. he should land in about 25 minutes and we will find out what happens next. so keep it right here. we'll keep on top of this. >> if there's any video, breaking news, statement he comes out and he's interviewed. here are your other headlines. white house faces scandal after scandal the president ises about focusing this weekend on climate change. >> georgetown university, i'll lay out my vision to prepare our country for impacts of climate change and lead global efforts to fight it. there's no one sickle step to fight climate change. but we owe our children to do what we can. >> the president says his plan will focus on reducing pollution from carbon emissions. his earlier attempts to push climate change through congress overnight.
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>> oscar pistorius forgetting the four digit code to unlock his cell phone. prosecutors say that phone is crucial. they believe it will show text messages that prove pistorius and his girlfriend had an argument hours before he shot her. prosecutors work with apple executives in the u.s. to access the phone without the unlocked code. some talented pooches competing in the eighth annual surf dog competition in san diego this weekend. thousands lined the beach to see their four legged friends hang ten. dog owners say their pets love this. money raised from the event went to the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. those are your headlines. i think it's time to go to the great rick. >> reporter: thank you, tucker. very nice. let's talk about the weather.
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take a look at the weather map. there's a lot going on across the central part of the country. the northern plains. today a few more showers across areas of the south, towards florida spotty showers across areas of the northeast as well. very heavy rain across the central plains and northern plains over the last couple of days. it's brought significant flooding and there's still more rain. some big showers cutting across iowa and minnesota right now heading in towards wisconsin later on today. that threat will continue across the same area, next batch of rain moves through so more flooding concerns any where you see that green chance for flash flooding. the yellow is where we have threat for severe weather primarily wind and hail across eastern portions of colorado. tomorrow that system just pull as little farther off to the east on one end and new batch of energy moves towards the northern plains where we see threat for more severe weather. it's barbecuing time. first full weekend of summer. did you barbecue yet? >> no. >> reporter: my small apartment
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no deck and no ventilation. >> that's the brilliance of this next segment because even you can grill in a small environment. we brought in a grilling expert, senior editor of "consumer reports" and he'll show us some small grills up to the large grills. these are the best ones in their class. nice to see you. let's start with the small one. help rick out here. he needs to grill. this is the best in portable category. >> camping, tailgating, or small apartment. it's the weber q200. cost $200. we got sausages and brats going. cast iron grates. holds the heat will. the heating performance overall is not what you'll get from some of the other grills. shouldn't be your primary grill. >> a propane tank? >> yes. 16 ounce propane tank. so you have a couple of those handy because it won't give
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you -- >> what does this run? >> $200. pretty good deal. got the fold out table. you want the grill to cool down. >> small grill one you don't want to transport. another small grill. >> this will stay put. backyard grill. cost $130. incredible value. it's sold by walmart. that's the walmart model keeping prices down. the performance is outstanding. it outperformed grills costing two and three times as much. you won't be disappointed. >> outperformed in what way? >> heating performance. what we're looking for is even hasn'ting bioat low and high heats. this has three burners and it delivers good indirect heating. let's lift it up. >> let me get that one. >> that one is yours. you guys want this one. let me get rid of that one. slide on down here. >> so this -- you want to invest in a little bit more money but
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not ready to go all the way. >> back to weber, weber spirit 320. this is our top rated grill in the medium grill category. superb heating. again both at low and high. stainless steel. the durability which we didn't see with the backyard grill. this grill will hold up over time. it has a ten year warranty on the burner. that's a great indication of the quality. weber thinks this grill will last for ten years. >> is it a special burn center >> side burner. yeah. heat up a can of beans or whatever you want to do on the side. >> easy to start? >> got the electronic ignition which we really like, holds up better than the push button or rotary style. >> your bad boy. i'm surprised on the price. it's not as steep as i thought it would be. this is best in class. >> this is the cadillac grill. this is the kitchen aid. sold at sam's club.
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partially why they can keep the price down. 800 bucks. a significant investment. it's going to hold up for years and years. 600 square inches of cooking area so as you can see here, i mean you can go the full monty. >> is that extra burners. >> this is the infrared burner. a lot of people love this for stake, searing stake. this won't disappoint you. >> wrap it up. >> if you miss any of these go to our website 100 days since pope francis took over the catholic church and the difference has been profound says father jonathan morris and he's here with an interesting new trend. anticipateding inassault to injury people who can't live in their homes after superstorm sand chip still being charged for things like their water bills. your day to unplug.
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with centurylink as your technology partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure, and dedicated support, free you to focus on what matters. centurylink. your link to what's next. yes. with new nature made vitamelts. can vitamins melt into mouth-watering flavor? melt-in-your-mouth vitamin supplements. in flavors like creamy vanilla... ...and juicy orange irresistibly melty new nature made vitamelts. get a sample on our facebook page mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] ...
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[ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number n. twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings.
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make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at
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is. we have a time for a couple of headlines. superstorm sandy victims in staten island sent water bills for storm damaged homes that they have not lived in for
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months. homeowners were charged an average of $1.20 a day since the end of october. the congressman asking the city to waive all fees for homes damaged by the storm. take a look at this. four horses running wild along a highway in texas. the horses broke out of their pen. a driver called police who corralled them away from the road until their owner came to pick them up. thank you, allison. it's been just over 100 days since the former archbishop of buneos aires was made pope. >> a pope who may have strayed from the church back into the fold. the francis effect. father jonathan morris joins us this morning from reno, nevada. nice to see you this morning.
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what is the francis effect? >> first of all, i should say i'm in reno but spending eight days on lake tahoe, most beautiful place i've seen in a very long time, absolutely beautiful. i'm spending some days trying to finish up a book. it is inspiring to see this, what people have coined the francis effect and that's that they are seeing in rome, italy, specifically a huge numbers of people coming out to see pope francis. there's a wednesday audience, every wednesday and they are getting more than 100,000 people every week coming to see him. that's even more than john paul ii crowds that he drew. amazing. is this francis effect bringing in tons of people into the church like on a local level in the united states? i don't think we have empirical evidence to say that yet. what i'm getting people coming up to me who may not be catholic and saying hey father i like your pope. or gosh this guy gets it.
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you know i think what they are touching on or what they are experiencing is that pope francis has decided that he wants us, christians, catholics, everyone to get back to the basics of faith. and one of the ways he's done that is on his own living a very simple life. he's still living in a guest house instead of living in the papal apartments. people are saying that's what we need. >> of course, at the cardinal's conference or in rome when they were deciding, did they know that by choosing this pope that he would have that sort of a ripple effect? >> they knew him pretty well. but i think he still surprised even many of the cardinals the way he's done it. he lived this very simple porter life in argentina as archbishop as well. so people who knew him very well is saying now he's doing what he's always done. let me give you two simple ways he's communicating just this
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last week. he's giving these daily sermons and you can find them on one sermon said if there's any proof, if you need any proof you can't take your material goods with you after we die, well have you ever seen a moving truck in a funeral procession or he said our father, that means none of us christians are only children. so very simple teaching i think it's getting to the heart. >> thank you, father. that's excellent way to summarize it. fox news alert, nsa leaker edward snowden is about to land in moscow. is he a hero or a traitor. dr. ben carson weighs in on the debate. >> the best parts of traveling the unexpected treasures you find. courtney cox is here with the best roadside attractions you
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don't want to miss. ♪ [ lighter flicking ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where giving up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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♪ >> buckle up, everyone. we're about to take you on a ride through america's best roadside attractions from iconic to sporty to just plain quirky. here now is travelocity editor courtney scott. great to see you. >> great to see you too. >> beer drinking pigs. >> that's right. saint croix, the quirky category, with beer-drinking pigs, in a hut tucked in the rainforest. daily you can feed non-alcoholic beer to these huge pigs. it's a sight to be seen. while in saint croix, there's a
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renaissance property, $145 a night is the average july rate. fantastic. caribbean sea views. really, really beautiful. >> saint croix is beautiful. who don't want to see a beer-bellied pig. >> it's amazing. >> from that to another ridiculous site, the naked cowboy in times square. >> that's right. his name is actually robert. he's in nothing more than his underwear, some boots and a guitar. he will sing to you, take pictures, even marriage you for $499 in times square. fantastic deal over fourth of july weekend, staying at the ink 48, kimpton property. $145 a night, incredible deal for summer in new york. >> he was in our greenroom. i believe he tried to bench press me once. moving on, carhenge.
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what's that? >> it's in nebraska. it was started in 1997, a tribute to a father who passed away. 30 automobiles in an gorgeous outdoor sculpture. fantastic road trip pit stop. the closest town that has a hotel is cheyenne, wyoming. stay at the little america resort. really great oasis in the middle of the prairie. it's $127 a night. >> that sounds fun. so for sports lovers, what do you have? >> the world's largest baseball bat is in louisville, kentucky. it's six stories tall outside the louisville museum and factory. it's 68,000 pounds. it's hollow inside. can hold the capacity of 30,000 gallons. unbelievable sight. it looks like it's leaning, but it's freestanding. you can stay at the brown hotel had. $181 a night. elegant, opulent, southern hospitality. >> okay, last, the iconic
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hollywood sign. >> yes. it's actually celebrating its 90th birthday this year. it's a great year to see it up in the hollywood hills in los angeles. the best vantage point to see it is between hollywood boulevard and highland boulevard. that's where the lowe's hotel is. so it's the perfect hotel from every window of the hotel you're seeing a view of the sign. incredible iconic experience for summer. >> that's great. all great suggestion for roadside attractions. we'll take a summer road trip. courtney, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> coming up, a former high-powered woman admits she regrets being a stay-at-home mom. some women are outraged. plus, nsa
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>> good morning, everyone. today is sunday, june 23rd. a fox news alert, nsa leaker edward snowden expected to arrive in moscow any moment. we'll bring you the latest as soon as we get. >> a mom coming under attack for now saying she regrets giving up her job to stay at home and raise her kids. other moms are upset too, but for a different reason. that debate coming up. >> he's a trash man on a mission to save as many american flags from an unworthy end. now he and his group of boy scouts are having a proper send-off on our plaza this morning. "fox and friends" hour four
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starts right now. ♪ >> we begin this hour with a fox news alert. edward snowden is about to touch down in moscow minutes from now and finally the u.s. has released a statement. >> yeah. peter ducey is live in washington with the latest on this. just moments from that final approach into moscow is his airplane right now. hey, peter. >> we've known for a few hours that edward snowden left hong kong lawfully today. the united states department of justice are trying to track him down. we have a brand-new statement from a doj spokeswoman that says we've been informed by the hong mr. snowden has departed hong kong for a third country. we will continue to pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries where mr. snowden may be
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attempting to travel. we first saw edward snowden's face two sundays ago when he went public with his identity as a leaker from a hotel in hong kong. he said this week in a q&a with "the guardian" that he did the big reveal from hong kong because they didn't have a legal framework in place to immediately arrest him. wikileaks now says no reached out to them to help get him out of hong kong safely. wikileaks claims to have legal advisors and diplomats traveling with snowden right now along with what they describe -- along what they describe as a safe route with the final destination being an unknown democratic country. a wikileaks spokesman says the wikileaks legal team and i are interested in preserving mr. snowden's rights and protecting him as a person. what is being done to mr. snowden and to mr. julian assange for making or facilitating disclosures in the public interest is an assault against the people.
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an airline told us this morning that someone named edward snowden with the same birthdate as the self-identified nsa leaker was on a flight from hong kong to moscow today. that airline says that someone named edward snowden with that same birthdate is also booked on a flight from moscow to havana, cuba, tomorrow. it's unclear if cuba is snowden's final destination, because wikileaks insists snowden will seek asylum in a diplomatic country. cuba did not fit that bill. back to you in new york. >> no, it doesn't, at least by conventional definitions. peter ducey, thank you very much. >> the truth is, we don't know. joining us now for educated, i guess, guesses, we can try to understand what he's going is a national security expert and fox news contributor. k.t., great to talk with you as always. >> thanks, clayton. here's the thing, whistleblowers and patriots, they don't go to
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china and russia and cuba, spies and traitors do. when he gets there, he wants asylum, they want something for that. he's got a lot of information about the u.s. intelligence program, spying programs, on those countries as well. >> and so you think, it is your estimate that he's probably shared what's on his thumb drive at this point with chinese officials, he'll do the same in russia? >> here's the thing, i was in china last month, and i met with the vice foreign minister and we talked about hacking. when i said the chinese are hacking into american computers, spying on us. he turned into me and said, you're hacking us and spying on us, too. so when snowden stopped in hong kong and said yesterday that the united states is hacking into chinese cellphones and reading text messages, that's exactly what they wanted to hear. you know, he jumped himself into the middle of the biggest issue between the united states and china, which is hacking. frankly he's on his way to
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russia. what's one of our biggest issues with russia? cyber crime, hacking. all roads lead to hacking, and no is on the road. >> it's indefensible his behavior, i would say, in the last couple of weeks, but obscured a significant story, which is the u.s. government, the obama administration, is spying on loyal americans like me and you, collecting our data on our phone calls, keeping track of our -- all of our digital activity, our emails, our google searches. there seems to be a bipartisan consensus not to say anything about that all of a sudden, and i wonder why that is. it strikes me as a explosive story. >> k.t., i want our viewers to know, this appears to be a live shot from inside moscow's airport of people, we believe -- are they getting off his plane right there? >> yeah. this is the plane that's landed in moscow nsa. this is the su 213 flight, the flight number out of hong kong. >> we'll bring you the pictures
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as soon as the satellite cooperates. k.t., talk about what the larger issue here. >> there's two issues here. one is leaking classified information. some of our most sensitive classified information. that's wrong. that's a crime. on the other hand, what he leaked is something most americans want to know about. this is government gone wild. this is government abuses. but he had other avenues that he could have done it. he could have gone to congressional committees, gone to the inspector general of any one of the organizations that he's involved with. >> but do you think we would have ever found out about it if he had done that? >> i think if he had gone to congressional committee. if the house congressional committees are republican controlled, the senate are democrat controlled, yes, i think in the end he would have found a legal way to talk about it. you know, it brings -- you guys, it brings up the bigger issue, this is government gone wild. here's our most highly classified sensitive information. who's doing it? not somebody in the military.
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it's a part time government contractor who hasn't even been thoroughly vetted. is this where we're trusting our most sensitive information? >> apparently we are. i mean, in terms of sort of alliances between high-tech companies like google and verizon, we have all these contractors, as you know now who perhaps, it appears, information they can't necessarily always be trusted to do the best things with. >> well, that's why you have oversight. that's why i think that the ability of congress to now go after and find out what's going on, not only with nsa and hacking into phone records, but what's going on with the irs, what's going on with the cover-ups in the state department. to me it's government gone wild. so when president obama gets up and says, i didn't think about this, i just read about it in the newspaper -- >> maybe congress didn't know about it. >> maybe when you have a government that keeps so many secrets that you need over 4 million people with security
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clearances, maybe with that many secrets, it's inevitable some will come out. no? >> it's also inevitable some will fall through the cracks. millions of people on a watch list, you're not going to find the two guys that are the boston bombers. it's gone wild. it's too big. government has got to be smaller. you know, when the september 11th commission did their report, and they said one of the problems was government had gotten too big, and parts of government were talking to other parts of government, too big to make sense of, it's too big, hasn't gotten smaller and more efficient. >> do we have the frozen shot? we don't have it. reporters trying to get inside the terminal to get a shot of edward snowden leaving the airplane in moscow. these are incredible pictures of him coming off. we don't know if he's gotten off the plane yet. we don't know if interpoll has
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arrested him. we were going that interpol was going to issue an advisory alert. >> an advisory to be on the lookout for him, detain him if possible. does anybody else think that the satellite cut out at the moment he was about to appear? i'm sorry, but -- >> we live in the world where the government knows more about us we know about the government. that's an aversion of the framers, and common sense. >> thomas jefferson specifically, where we should not have a government where we fear our government. government should fear its people. it's the inverse right now. >> obviously there's a lot happening this hour. >> and our thanks to county t. mcfarland. >> our headlines, there's an 0 airshow where a stunt plane slammed into the ground killing a pilot and the wing walker.
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this accident was caught on camera. we warn you, this video is disturbing and graphic. >> watch this. jane whitaker sitting on top of the world. >> oh, no! >> wing walker jane wicker and her pilot, charlie schwenker were on the plane. witnesses say it was flying low just before crashing. >> it's surreal, that something like that happened in front of you. you're in a state of shock. you really don't know what to think. i just started praying. >> the airshow was canceled yesterday, but organizers say the performers want the show to continue today. and there are new developments today in the murder mystery surrounding nfl star aaron hernandez. police and k-9 units spent four hours combing through his home in their search for evidence.
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investigators walked away with bags of items. police are trying to find out what connection, if any, he had to the victim, his friend, odin lloyd. an arrest warrant has been issued, but not executed. he put his life on the line for our country. now he's in new york. the army specialist is getting a free house thanks to a generous donation from bank of america. volunteers are already renovating. he and his wife got a special welcome to the neighborhood from yankees manager joe girardi. >> thank you for your personal sacrifice. also allowing us to do what we do freely. >> i saw the house. i'm speechless. >> he suffered a brain injury
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and partial blindness while fighting in afghanistan. he earned a purple heart for his service. those are your headlines. >> thank you, allison. a fox news alert now. the plane that nsa leaker edward snowden was believed to be on has just landed. you are looking live right now in moscow. is he a hero or traitor? dr. ben carson joins us to weigh in on this growing debate. >> and another reason to watch "fox and friends," new research says watching division helps your kids do well in school. don't believe it? we'll marshal evidence when we return. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever
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fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, lir disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business.
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>> you're looking now at live pictures of the airport in moscow where nsa leaker edward snowden is believed to have just landed minutes ago. airport officials say the plane has landed at an airport in the city of moscow. wikileaks says snowden reached out to them to help him get out of hong kong safely. that hasn't been verified, but that's what they're saying. the question is, is edward snowden a hero or traitor? joining us to consider that is dr. ben carson, the former director of pediatric 94 row surgery at johns hopkins hospital. dr. carson, thank you for joining us. give us the moral context for
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this. how should we regard edward snowden? >> i'm not sure that we should put labels on him, but we should look at what we can learn from this situation. there are probably other people who are in sensitive positions who perhaps have information that would be useful for the american people to know, but you have to understand that there is a proper way in order to disseminate that information. this was not done in the proper way. so, you know, we shouldn't so much concentrate on him as making information available to other people who may have important information for us. you know, it is absolutely important that we know what's being done and what's being monitored, because people act differently, say things differently, when we know they're being monitored. that's when you go into a store, there's a sign up that says you are being videoed.
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you know, the secrecy that is going on right now coupled with the apparent dishonesty in government obviously has dampened the enthusiasm for people about, you know, the veracity of their government. >> but don't the two go hand in hand? doesn't secrecy inevitably lead to dishonesty in the same way that power inevitably corrupts? if what you're doing is cloaked from public view, it's much more likely to be wrong, isn't it? >> of course it is. that's one of the things the founders were afraid of and talked about, that the government would get progressively bigger and bigger. basically the government has gotten to the point now where it's like a morbidly obese story. sometimes we hear stories about 1400-pound people who can't do anything but eat. that's basically how our government has gotten.
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it needs all these calories all the time, basically our money. if we were to starve it a little bit, get it down to a reasonable size, it would be much fitter, much more agile, and much more effective. >> so to continue the metaphor, bariatric surgery? that's what the government needs, you say, or richard simmons to show up, cut down the wall, have the patient moved out on some sort of earth-moving equipment? what do we do? >> i certainly think that a gradual decrease in the calories would be extremely effective. and we need to do it. you know, the sequestration has demonstrated that. you know, we cut back on the money. even though certain people tried to make it as painful as possible, it actually is having a ameliorating effect on the economy. that should be a lesson to us. >> that's an often not remarked upon phenomenon. i appreciate you bringing up. by the way, doctor, congratulations. dr. carson just completed his
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final surgery after i thinkaboue course of your career. thank you for that. >> thank you. it's wonderful. >> talk about an awful day at the amusement park. a roller coaster breaks down, stranding riders for hours upside down. that happened in china. we'll give you details. plus, she quit her job to stay home with the kids. now she says she regrets it. the story has gone viral, but there's fallout from it. the debate coming up. ♪ i'm phyllis and i have diabetic nerve pain. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor... he found lyrica for me.
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[ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactio or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor t away if you have these, new or worsening depron, or unusual chaes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effes are dizziness, sleess, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taki lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit
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it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> she gave up her high-powered job to become a stay-at-home mom, but years later she has regrets about it. she joined us yesterday on "fox
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and friends." >> i hadn't realized how much would it lower my confidence in myself, dim my ambition. you know, you come out of school, you're an ambitious 20-year-old, striving, you've got a career. if you stay home for a decade or more, you'll find yourself -- i found myself -- i should speak for myself -- feeling less confident in my abilities, harder to go back into the workplace. >> she's receiving harsh criticism now, as you can imagine. >> joining us a human resources specialist, susan patton. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. always a pleasure to be here. >> what do you make of this? >> i'm shocked to hear any mother who was fortunate to have the luxury of staying home to be with their children saying i regret having done so. i think what she's regretting is a middle-aged woman. that's not a manifestation of staying home with your children, but a nature of time, and entering the workforce as a middle-aged woman is difficult
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for anybody. how fortunate was she to have been able to raise her children to, to have had that luxury? >> you talk about regret. what do you mean by regret? in what way? that she didn't accomplish more that he had the opportunity to while she was at home? >> no. i think it's midlife crisis. i think that when women come to the point where their children are now grown, women are no longer consumed with that 24/7 take care of the babies, now what do i do? there's lots of stuff to do. my, gosh. i stayed home with my children. i have two sons that are grown. i developed two at-home businesses, which is just great. >> let me clarify some of the things she said. she obviously loved her children, happy for the time she had with them at home. >> of course. >> however she says she didn't calculate all the repercussions of staying home. a quote from her, with my
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husband i slipped into a more traditional marriage. if every way my husband sees me as his equal, but she became the -- doing the housework, cooking, taking care of the kids. by definition, they used to be equals in the workplace. they met on the job. then the power differential shifted. >> in the course of a marriage equality doesn't always exist. i think there's a constant shift, a constant evolution. you have to sort of go with the flow. there are times your husband will be more needy, sometimes you're more needy. i think that marriages just start to -- you know, they get into ruts. i think that's really more of what she's talking about, that it fell more into a rut, which she should have been more cognizant as the years were progressing. >> the real problem is middle age? >> that's it. >> i know a lot of women who feel that way. >> of course.
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>> it's sad. what's the answer? >> firstly, i don't think there's anything sad about middle age. i'm loving it. i've never had more fun than the last few months. this is great fun. i think it's wonderful when you no longer have that 24/7 responsibility over your babies, particularly if you raised your children well. my, gosh, do something else. write a book. you know, do something else. learn a new school. start an at-home business, something with the cottage industry. you have to get by the second postpartum. now what do i do? your world is tied to being a mom. there's a big world out there. in your 50s, there's so many things to do. she needs to get focused, do something productive and positive. there's a big world out there. >> susan patson, whatever multivitamin you're taking, we all need to take it.
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thank you so much for your perspective. >> and in 30 years when you hit that mark -- >> yes. i look forward to it. let me get through 21 first. >> coming up on the show, the controversial testimony that the jury will not hear when george zimmerman's murder trial begins tomorrow in florida. >> he's a trash man on a mission to save as many american flags from an unworthy end as he can. now he and his boy scouts are sending flags off in a proper way on our plaza. that's coming up. ♪ my name is mike and i quit smoking.
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>> fox news alert for you now. this is a live look inside the moscow airport in russia. moments ago edward snowden landed there. we're still waiting for him to pass through the security checkpoint. as you can see, it's a bit of a chaotic scene. cameras are trying to catch edward snowden, obviously trying to ask him questions about yes left hong kong earlier this morning, and now has arrived in moscow. fox's peter ducey is in washington with the latest. peter? >> with snowden on the move, it's interesting to read the reaction from the united states
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who asked hong kong to extradite the nsa leaker. then from hong kong who let him go lawfully earlier today. first here's what the doj is now saying. "we've been informed by the hong kong authorities mr. snowden has departed hong kong for a third country. we will continue to discuss this matter with hong kong and pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries where mr. snowden may be attempting to travel." then there's the hong kong government, who says now basically that the u.s. never gave them enough information to extradite snowden. then they make an explosive accusation at the end of their statement, writing, "the hong kong special administrative regional government has formally written to the u.s. government requesting clarification on earlier reports about the hacking of computer systems in hong kong by u.s. government agencies." so hong kong let snowden go today, now accused the united states of hacking their computer systems. the website wikileaks separately
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says snowden reached out to them for help getting out of hong kong safely. they claim right now to have legal advisors and diplomats traveling with snowden, helping him get to a democratic country where they say he will seek asylum. we believe that snowden is in russia right now. u.s. senator chuck schumer said this morning on cnn that if that's the case president putin probably knew snowden was heading his way, and that this will hurt usa-russia relationships. ali? >> we're live inside moscow's airport. you can see a scrum of reporters, videographers, waiting to see if edward snowden is heading in that direction. it's impossible for us to snow if russian officials ushered him off in a different direction or coming out through the airport. obviously we're monitoring it. we will bring it to you live as soon as we get it. meanwhile the rest of your
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headlines, opening statements begin tomorrow in the george zimmerman trial. the judge ruled two audio experts cannot testify about who is heard screaming in that 9-1-1 call to police. >> do you think he's yelling "help"? >> yes. >> both experts say it was trayvon martin calling for help in the background, but the judge said their scientific techniques are too unreliable, but did rule that the calls can be played in court. zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder. a jury of six women will decide his fate. and a roller coaster ride from yell. riders in china stuck upside down for two hours when the roller coaster broke down during the ride. fortunately no one was injured as rescue crews were able to get all 11 people off the ride safely. rather reason to keep watching "fox and friends" this morning, a new study suggests that kids glued to the screen for hours a day can significantly outperform classmates who watch less
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television. our floor crew is dancing right now. researchers say kids' program is underrated, and shows can teach children a larger vocabulary they get at home. all right. there you go. that explains my childhood. let's go outside. tucker? >> thank you so much, ali. he's a trash man with a mission, to give tattered american flags a retirement worthy of the values they stand for. now that cause is picking up steam. "fox and friends" is having its own flag retirement ceremony in his honor. joining us now, we're honored to have a new york city sanitation workers. ed, thanks for joining us. >> good morning, ed. >> good morning. it's a pleasure. i'm glad to be here. >> tell us what you're going to do. >> we're going to retire this american flag with the dignity and honor it deserves. it served a good cause flying over the house of a patriotic family in rockaway park, new york, and now it's going to get a fitting retirement. >> as a sanitation worker, you
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work very, very hard every day in your community. how did this idea come about, that you wanted to rescue tattered american flags, give them a proper burial? >> i've been rescuing jobs for the past 20 years on my job. when i got up for work on flag day, i knew i would find a couple flags in the garbage. i started by shift at 6:00 a.m. by 7:23, i found the first flag in the garbage next to a dirty diaper. it broke my heart. i took a picture with my cellphone, put it in the track. at 8:00 on my coffee break, i made a pledge on facebook, that i would rescue flags bound for the garbage. >> i've certainly never seen a flag retirement ceremony. will you show us? >> i sure will. >> we'll get out of your way. thanks, ed.
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>> everybody uncover, face the flag of our nation. please lead us in a pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the united states of americapublic t stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> all right. everybody please recover. >> please present the flag for retirement. present arms! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> present arms. put it on the fire. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we'll have more "fox and friends" in just three minutes. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the united states postal service a small design firm can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪
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lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone... but i'm still on vacation... ...stilln the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, thentern's tablet. the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers, oh sorry... all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry q10 for $199.99.
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>> welcome back. how aware are you of your rights at work? today is the first day of national employee freedom work. its aim is to inform you of your options, especially if you're in a union. joining us is the director of labor policy at a center for public policy. welcome, vinny. tell us what is national employee freedom week. it starts right now. >> it starts right now. we're excited to kick off national employee freedom week, a week dedicated to informing union employees about their options, whether they want to stay in the union, in a right-to-work state, whether they want to opt out, to not pay a union, or exercising their right to be an agency fee payer
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or -- >> how does this work? is there a seminar process, tutorials that people can go through? what do you hear from the unions? do they like you guys? >> we haven't heard much from the unions. there's education campaigns around the country. there's almost 60 organizations involved in it over 35 states. it's very exciting. it started in nevada with the nevada policy research institute. they did it locally there. now they're spreading it across the country. they're doing a great job. >> do the labor unions try to fight back on this week? >> it's the first time it's gone national. some of the labor unions might be caught by surprise. >> it's interesting. legally, you only have a small window annually to opt out. i think a lot of workers weren't aware. my first job in the television business, i didn't realize i had to join a union. when you see that large check of your paycheck being forced to come out, you know, you're living on canned food at the time, thinking, wait a second, i
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have to pay into this. no one told me about this. >> that's right. a lot of union members don't know their options. that's what national employee freedom week is all about. in a right-to-work straight, you can say i don't want to pay you. unfortunately some states you don't have that right. like you said, it's extremely difficult to exercise those options. that's what this week is all about. >> what about the devil's advocate side here, those that say unions are great, i want to know about alternatives? who else is going to stand up for me when i want that raise, cost-of-living increase, healthcare, these other things, if i'm not in a union, am i going to be hurt by that? >> that's a great question. actually there are alternatives. it's great now that workers now have the option. in fact, there's a couple groups out there. some specifically focus on teachers, like the association
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of american educators, nonunion alternative to provide many of the same services that the unions offer, such as liability insurance, such as legal representation. so it's fantastic that today workers now are starting to get more and more options for who's going to represent them at work. >> do you think that unions are struggling right now, especially over the last two years? >> unions are struggling. they're struggling across the country. you've seen a huge membership decline, not just over the last few years, but over the last couple decades. that's because the unions have this kind of turn of the century, 1900 industrial revolution business model, this adversarial relationship focusing more on politics than worker representation, and they haven't changed or adapted to a modern workforce. hopefully the unions will start to adapt, focus less on politics, more on the individual worker, instead of the current one-size-fits-all, and that's how they'll improve. >> great to see you, vincent.
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>> thanks for having me on. >> let's check in with ali and tucker. are they outside? >> i am. >> hi, ali. >> i'm here with a few fine friends, all of these wonderful dogs that we will tell you about how to make your vacation when you go away much less stressful for your dog and yourself. ♪ [ lighter flicking ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where giving up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain;
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it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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hi, folks. you're looking live right now at the airport where nsa leaker edward snowden is believed to
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have just landed. this is moscow. ea everyone passing through being asked did you see edward snowden on the plane. those have have passed through so far say, no, they haven't. wikileaks say snowden reached out to them to help get out of hong kong safely. wikileaks even tweeting about it. tucker, alley? there's the update. >> thanks a lot, clayton. we love our furry friends, our dogs. we want them to go with us everywhere. especially when we're traveling. planning for them to come along can be very difficult and stressful. one study shows 64% of pet owners feel uneasy when they make travel accommodations for their pets. >> today we're going to put your mind at ease with a few services that will help you with your travel plans with your pets. it'll make it a whole lot easier. joining us is the founder of, aaron hershorn. what does dog vacay do? >> it's an alternative to leaving your dog in a kennel. we have thousands of hosts
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across the country who watch their dog in the home like a member of their own family. we have 24/7 customer support, insurance, photos of your dog every day enjoying his vacation. >> you vet the host family. >> we have a five-step vetting process. comprehensive insurance. it's about trust and peace of mind. >> these are some of your hosts. their dogs look very happy. these five dogs are chilling on our plaza. they do it out of the goodness of their heart but financially it makes sense. >> all walks of life. stay at home moms. retirees. mike was able to quit his job as a software developer and watchdogs full time. >> no way. >> how much money do you make? >> everyone has their own rates. half the price of a kennel. >> kennels are very expensive. >> very expensive. could be $25 or $30 on average at dog vacay compared to kennels, $65 or $100. my wife and i had the experience
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of leaving our dog in a cage at a kennel. it was $75 per dog and they were in a cage all day. >> leaving your dogs is guilt. wondering what the dogs are doing. are they being treated well? what are dogs doing with a host family? >> 50% of pet owners admit they travel less because of their dog or cat. a whopping 15% admit to having smuggled the dog on to a flight or hotel that wasn't pet friendly. >> there are a lot of dog smugglers out there. we support them, by the way. >> there are other websites that can also make people feel better about traveling. >> yeah. if you want to bring your dog to a hotel they list all the different hotels and various surcharges. pet flight lists all the different restrictions airlines can have. there are certain no breeds, no fly lists for certain breeds. >> is that right? >> yes. >> that's a shame. >> it is a shame. our survey showed 75% of pet travelers don't trust the airlines at all to care for their pet. >> that's a low number.
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can you real quickly introduce us to some of your friends? >> yeah. we've got luca the beautiful rottweiler. vinnie t vinn vinnie the shih tzu. this is hobbs. >> these are not your dogs. they're other people's dogs you're taking care of. >> if you drop your dog off at dogvacay he could end up on a morning show. >> we even saw a budding romance earlier during the commercial break. >> while airlines won't take certain dogs, hotels won't take dogs of a certain size, we welcome all dogs. we're welcoming. we believe every dog deserves a vacation. >> i've never met a pit bull i didn't like. despite the reputation, they're sweet dogs. >> thanks so much. more "fox and friends" three minutes away.
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twenty-five thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic.
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twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan. your trip begins at
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thanks everyone, for joining us on this very busy news morning. keep it on fox news channel. we'll bring you all the latest developments on edward snowden and what he is doing in moscow if he even was on that plane and gets off the plane in moscow. we're monitoring it inside the airport now. >> how much time do we have left? >> about 30 seconds. >> do we have that shot of the airport right now? take a look at this. they are asking all the folks that were getting off the plane, did you see edward snowden? did you see ed nedward snowden? >> have you seen this man. >> so far no one said they'd seen him. >> maybe russian officials have taken him somewhere. >> an entourage usually follows you. >> that's right. i'm secreted out a back entrance. >> no. keep it right here on fox news
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channel. rick, whatever you did, it's suddenly summer out here. >> very much summer. sunny. warm. good day for a barbecue. >> i like it. >> your place or mine? >> my place. come on. >> after the show show right now. fox news alerting some breaking details in the nsa leak investigation. take a live look right now at the moscow international airport. that is where a plane that's believed to be carrying self-proclaimed leaker edward snowden landed just a short time ago. after officials in hong kong say he left their country early this morning. there is so much to report on this story this hour. good morning. welcome to "america's news headquarters," everyone, i'm jamie colby. >> i'm eric shawn. good morning on this sunday morning. edward snowden, of course, is wanted in the u.s. for stealing government secrets and espionage. here's what we know right up to this minute. he remains on the run. reportedly boarding that plane


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